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Tag: Car Insurance

Does Auto Insurance Cover Vandalism?

Does Auto Insurance Cover Vandalism?

When most people think about auto insurance, they often consider how it protects their car in the event of an accident. But what if you discover that someone’s destroyed your vehicle with their own two hands? Unlike a car crash, vandalism is no accident — it’s an intentional act. The goal could have been to steal something from your back seat. Or maybe it was just...

Here's What Road Salt Does to Your Car

Here's What Road Salt Does to Your Car

When the season changes to spring, our cars often wear the scars of the winter they’ve just endured. And not just from the harsh weather. Road salt helps melt ice, which definitely makes the roads safer. However, there are some definite downsides when it comes to your car. Read on to learn exactly how road salt works—and what road salt does to your car. How...

How Does My Credit Score Affect My Insurance Rates?

How Does My Credit Score Affect My Insurance Rates?

March is National Credit Education Month—and many of us could use some help. When we think about credit scores, most of us are aware that our credit scores can affect loan approvals, car financing, credit card limits, or whether you are at the top of the list of tenants a landlord will consider.  Another area where credit score plays a critical role is in determining...

5 Winter Driving Mistakes That May Increase Your Premium

5 Winter Driving Mistakes That May Increase Your Premium

Yesterday was Car Insurance Day. The first of February has been set aside as the annual day to be thankful for the peace of mind your auto insurance provides—and to focus on the importance of safe driving. As we face the last several weeks of winter, it is the perfect time for an insurance policy review to check that your policy still meets your needs....

New Year’s Resolutions for Policy Holders

New Year’s Resolutions for Policy Holders

The New Year is traditionally the time we make decisions about the future. Most New Year’s resolutions focus on personal health or family and business goals. Don’t forget to include greater peace of mind and security for yourself and those you love as part of your New Year’s list. By reviewing your policy coverage and making the necessary changes based on your other annual targets,...